Cosmetic Surgery Services
Many times, surgical intervention can help enhance or improve your overall appearance and help you realize your ideal aesthetic. We offer services designed to help you look younger, thinner or more suitable to your desires, according to your specific needs. Below is a list of the plastic surgery and non-surgical services we perform.
Male Procedures
Body & Trunk
The ideal male body is typically considered to be thin and athletic, with broad shoulders, a trim waistline and a flat abdomen. However, fat deposits often build up in the flank, abdomen, breast area and neck and chin as men age. These areas can be resistant to diet and exercise, and many men choose liposuction and/or surgical removal of excess skin to address these issues, particularly after significant weight loss.
A surgical abdomen reduction combined with liposuction can help you achieve a more youthful, firmer looking body.
A body and trunk procedure:
Reduces fat deposits in the abdomen, “love handles,” breast area or neck and chin
Removes excess skin from these areas, allowing tighter skin and sleeker appearance
Trims the waistline for a slimmer, more athletic profile
Candidates for this procedure are individuals with soft tissue looseness in one or more body areas, healthy adults who do not have medical conditions that may interfere with healing, non-smokers and people committed to leading a healthy lifestyle.
The results of a body or trunk procedure are immediately noticeable, and recovery times vary. When undergoing a full abdominoplasty, you may not be able to return to work for a full four weeks. As you age, it is natural for the skin to lose some firmness, but the improvement of the procedure should be relatively permanent if you maintain a healthy lifestyle and control your weight.

Gynecomastia surgery is a procedure that reduces the size of enlarged or overdeveloped breasts in men. The condition of having enlarged breasts can stem from a number of causes, including heredity, obesity, hormonal changes or the effect of certain drugs, such as steroids. For men, this condition can cause a loss of self-confidence and avoidance of certain physical and intimate activities.
A gynecomastia surgery procedure:
Reduces the size of the chest, flattening and enhancing chest contours
Reduces the amount of excess fat deposits and sagging skin in the chest
Surgically improves the size and shape of the areola
Candidates for this procedure are healthy, non-smoking males who are physically healthy and feel their breasts are too large. Candidates must also be free from life-threatening illnesses or medical conditions that may impair healing.
The results of gynecomastia surgery are typically permanent, although in cases involving the use of certain drugs, candidates must remain free from them.

There are a number of common procedures that men may seek to enhance their facial features. Most popularly, men opt for rhinoplasty, or nose surgery, eyelid rejuvenation, which removes loose, furrowed skin on the upper eyelid, neck lifts and chin augmentation.
Rhinoplasty allows men to reshape their nose, bringing greater symmetry to the face while creating a more optimal proportion of facial features. Whether you’re dissatisfied with the genetic shape of your nose or suffered an injury that permanently damaged your nose, rhinoplasty can address these issues and create a more appealing face profile.
Eyelid rejuvenation removes loose, sagging skin around the upper eye, which sometimes obstructs vision. It can also address bags under the eyes, forehead creases and generally makes you look younger and more alert.
A neck lift, or rhytidectomy, restores the youthful contours of your face, reducing excess fat or skin that may hang loosely and create jowls, “turkey waddle” or “double chin.”
A chin augmentation, or mentoplasty, uses surgical implants or bone reduction surgery to enhance the appearance of the chin, increasing facial harmony and self-confidence. Often, a chin augmentation is performed along with rhinoplasty to increase the proportion of facial features.
Candidates for these procedures are healthy, non-smoking individuals who do not have medical conditions that may interfere with healing.