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Cosmetic Surgery Services

Many times, surgical intervention can help enhance or improve your overall appearance and help you realize your ideal aesthetic. We offer services designed to help you look younger, thinner or more suitable to your desires, according to your specific needs. Below is a list of the plastic surgery and non-surgical services we perform.

Facial Rejuvenation

Brow Lift

Over time, signs of aging tend to manifest most in your face. If you’ve grown dissatisfied by frown lines, forehead creases or a sagging brow, you may choose to enhance your appearance with a brow lift.


A brow lift procedure:

  • Minimizes creases that form in the forehead or high on the bridge of the nose, between the eyes

  • Repositions your brow to correct a sagging that may be obstructing the eyelid

  • Improves frown lines, or vertical creases between the eyebrows

  • Creates a more youthful, alert position of the brows


Candidates for this procedure are healthy, non-smoking adults who want to improve their appearance.


Healing time may require 5 – 10 days, after which time any sutures or clips will be removed and you can return to normal activity. Over several weeks, you will continue to heal as the swelling dissipates, and complete recovery will occur within a couple of months. The results will be long-lasting, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle and applying appropriate sun protection will help extend these results.


Cheek Augmentation

A cheek augmentation uses surgical implants or bone reduction surgery to enhance the appearance of the cheeks, enhancing facial harmony and increasing self-confidence. Often, a cheek augmentation is performed along with a face lift or chin augmentation to balance the proportion of facial features, and may include an injection of your natural fat or a soft-tissue filler.


A cheek augmentation procedure:

  • Increases or decreases the cheek proportions to bring the facial features into balance

  • Uses surgical implants or bone reduction surgery to adjust the shape and size of the cheeks

  • May be combined with minimally-invasive injections to create the desired results


Candidates for this procedure are healthy, non-smoking individuals who are at least 13 years of age and whose facial growth is complete.


Swelling will dissipate within several months, and the surgery will reach its full maturity within a year. The results are typically permanent, although the tissue will age and may change slightly over time.


Chin Augmentation

A chin augmentation, or mentoplasty, uses surgical implants or bone reduction surgery to enhance the appearance of the chin, increasing facial harmony and self-confidence. Often, a chin augmentation is performed along with rhinoplasty, or nose surgery, to balance the proportion of facial features.


A chin augmentation procedure:

  • Increases or decreases the chin proportions to bring the facial features into balance

  • Uses surgical implants to increase the size of the chin

  • Uses bone reduction surgery to decrease the chin profile


Candidates for this procedure are healthy, non-smoking individuals who are at least 13 years of age and whose facial growth is complete. 


Swelling will dissipate within several months, and the surgery will reach its full maturity within a year. The results are typically permanent, although cartilage may move or reshape the tissue over time.


Ear Surgery

For those who are dissatisfied with their ear size, shape or proportion, an ear surgery, called otoplasty, may be the solution for you. Ear surgery can reshape your ear to better align with your facial features, or to correct a defect that was present at birth or caused by an injury or previous surgery.


An ear surgery procedure:

  • Reshapes the ear, improving its size, position or proportion

  • Treats protruding ears

  • Improves facial harmony


Candidates for this procedure are healthy, non-smoking individuals who are at least 13 years of age and whose facial growth is complete. 


Swelling will dissipate within several months, and the surgery will reach its full maturity within a year. The results are typically permanent, although the tissue may experience minor movement over time.


Eyelid Surgery

If you’ve noticed you look more and more tired over time, or have noticeable bags under your eyes, a cosmetic eyelid surgery may be the solution for you. Called blepharoplasty, a cosmetic eyelid surgery can help you look younger, more alert and better rested.


A cosmetic eyelid surgery procedure:

  • Treats loose, sagging skin around the upper contour of the eye, sometimes obstructing vision

  • Removes excess wrinkles and skin of the lower eye, resulting in a younger, more alert appearance

  • Can remove bags under the eyes or excess fatty tissue that results in puffy upper eyelids


Candidates for this procedure are healthy, non-smoking adults who do not have a life-threatening illness or medical condition that may interfere with healing. Serious eye conditions may prevent someone from receiving this procedure.


The results will be long-lasting, although appropriate sun protection and good health will extend the results. Final results will appear within several weeks.


Face Lift

Signs of aging are often most prominent in the face. If you’re uncomfortable with the signs of aging in your face, a face lift may procedure may be right for you. Known as rhytidectomy, a face lift can improve signs of aging and restore youthfulness to the face and neck.


A face lift procedure:

  • Improves sagging in the midface

  • Removes creases in the lower eyelid

  • Repositions or removes fat that has fallen out of place

  • Corrects muscle tone loss and jowls in the lower face

  • Addresses “double chin” by removing loose skin and fat deposits of the lower chin


Candidates for this procedure are healthy, non-smoking adults who do not have a life-threatening illness or medical condition that may interfere with healing.


It may take up to several months for the swelling to fully dissipate, and up to six months for full recovery. The results will be long-lasting, although appropriate sun protection and good health will extend the results.


Lip Enhancement

Often, full, round lips are considered a sign of youth and good health. Whether you were born with thin lips or are dissatisfied with the effect of age on your lips, you can choose a lip enhancement procedure to achieve your desired appearance.


A lip enhancement procedure:

  • May include many options, ranging from surgical implants to minimally invasive injections of natural fat or filler, depending on the desired appearance and duration

  • Helps produce more youthful, fuller lips


Candidates for this procedure are healthy, non-smoking adults who do not have a life-threatening illness or medical condition that may interfere with healing.


For nonsurgical treatment, the recovery time is minimal. Some swelling or bruising may occur, but will subside over time. Full recovery typically takes four to six weeks.


Neck Lift

If you’re unhappy with the way your jawline or neck has aged, a neck lift, or lower rhytidectomy, may be the solution for you. A neck lift will restore the youthful contours of your face, addressing excess fat or skin that may hang loosely, creating jowls.


A neck lift procedure:

  • Enhances the appearance of your neck or jawline

  • Addresses such things as “turkey waddle,” “double chin” or jowls

  • Removes or reduces excess fat deposits under the chin and loose neck skin

  • Adjusts muscle banding in the neck, which may create abnormal contours


Candidates for this procedure are healthy, non-smoking adults who do not have a life-threatening illness or medical condition that may interfere with healing. Individuals who are not yet ready for a facelift may opt for a neck lift to enhance the jawline without interfering with the face.


It may take several weeks to several months for swelling to fully dissipate, and the incision lines will reach maturity within six months. The results will be long-lasting, although appropriate sun protection and good health will extend the results.



Rhinoplasty, or nose surgery, is another popular plastic surgery solution. Nose shape is hereditary, but the appearance may change during an injury or prior surgery. Nose surgery can help correctly proportion the size of the nose in relation to the face, increasing self-confidence. Rhinoplasty can also help address breathing impairment caused by nose abnormalities.


A rhinoplasty procedure:

  • Enhances the size of the nose in relation to other facial features, creating facial harmony

  • Adjusts the width of the bridge, nasal tip, nostrils and facial symmetry

  • Creates a more appealing nose profile


Candidates for this procedure are healthy, non-smoking individuals who are at least 13 years of age and whose facial growth is complete. 


Swelling will dissipate within several months, and the surgery will reach its full maturity within a year. The results are typically permanent, although cartilage may move or reshape the tissue over time.

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4275 Steels Pointe Road
Stow, OH 44224

Monday - Friday 9 a.m - 4 p.m.

P: (330) 971-9730 
F: (330) 255-5095

4016 Massillon Road, Suite C
Uniontown, OH 44685

Friday 8 a.m - 2 p.m.

P: (330) 971-9730
F: (330) 255-5095


Serenity Plastic Surgery © 2025

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